i probably shouldn't be reading _walden_


Aug 2, 2002
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and then walking down the street in this huge dirty city. it's making me want to go build a cabin on the great lakes and stand around all day with my dad talking about stone walls and fixing boats.

this morning, for the second time in a month, i saw a giant pile of human poop on the stairs coming up from the subway.
yea bear poop is way better than crazy homeless guy poop. trust me.
i'm feeling like within the next year i'm going to have to escape.
it's bad enough for me just to commute to the city for work.

I like the culture aspects that living near a big city brings, but yeah, I don't really like much else about it. living close together. human trash. etc.
I need to move somewhere else eventually, too.
i watch my dad fish. i dont eat it. for my entire life my father essentially killed what he ate and never bought it in a store. so i mean, i'm used to that (ie, dead animals hanging in the garage) but i wouldnt eat em.

see, i think, even in the middle of the woods, with no people, there's culture. probably more, because it's easier to concentrate, and easier to be yourself and realize things. maybe i'm a fruit.
well yeah, there's culture, but there's not really cultural events like I'm used to. I may not go to a lot of shows or movies or the opera, but I like having the option available to me regardless.
yea. i think i've given up on those things slowly. not that i hate them, but i am just like unable to handle the kinetics of large groups of people anymore. i am burning out maybe?
i used to think, well the trailer park, commune, and small town were enough for me and i was ready to not ever do that again. and as stupid as it sounds, i miss it constantly. i'd so rather live in a trailer right now than in an apartment.
i'm all choked up about it. i actually want to live, for a year or so maybe even more, out of the world. like in the woods. no phone. etc.
I've talked semi-jokingly about starting an quote-unquote "indie-rocker" commune with some people. depending on location, I'd be all for it. I just need some way to ensure I can pay bills/support myself and my family.
well, see. i lived on a commune. the neat thing about them is, you dont PAY and LABOR for pay. you just live and get what you need from it. at least that's the point of what they essentially are supposed to be.

either way, i've already done it once. i just dont believe communes work (people have too many issues). and i've lived in the woods for extended periods and handled it. actually, my friend lived in the woods in colorado for about 2 years with one other friend and had no contact except for 1 post card to me every 3 months. dece.
well yeah, prep - that's what I'm saying. I know that communes don't really work, that's why I need back-up. Communal living/shared space is more of what I'm saying. Like in my ideal world, a lot of the stuff would be shared like child care, farming, maitenance etc, but not everything would be necessarily self-sufficient. And there would have to be intarweb access. Can't go without.
i honestly can't wait to just not have internet / phones for a while. not that i hate them, but i think they detract from what i am usually like and sort of supplement a creepy sense of separation and anxiety. communes ideally are awesome, but like, someone always geeks out, becomes a religious freak, steals, or whatever. shared living works better if there are sort of 'rules' beforehand.
this is of course why i'd rather just have it be me and a friend living in the woods. or maybe just me. i'd never do a group thing. for one, i dont need to do that again (try growing up with for 5 years.... 20 kids? not fun) maybe i can do it in brooklyn. just cut myself off. live on the roof. hah.