i probably shouldn't be reading _walden_

I totally understand where you're coming from Prep - I've read enough about it to be fearful about actually going through with it.

in an ideal world...


I've lived in the woods and lived in a few very religious cult-like communities before when I was younger... and I must say... it sucks. Well, living in rural areas isn't too terribly bad, but I'd rather live in a city where I can actually find things to do. Concerts, movies, music shopping... the basics I can't go without.
There's this kid in my school who takes very large shit in the hallways. He does it at Taco Bell, too. Keep in mind that I live in an upper-middle class suburb (not to say that people are more likely to shit in Taco Bell in the city. I think..). Kinda weird.
i saw a pile of bear shit in the woods on wednesday. it could, possibly, have been moose shit, but of course it's a better story if it's bear shit. so it's bear shit.