going along with the article's overstated impact of this moment, if the cubs lose the 7th game, i would expect:
1) barbed wire barriers to be put up between the fans and the field
2) ivy to be replaced with fan-eating carnivorous plants of relatively high intellect (that avoid eating players)
3) random crowd sobriety checks
4) the price of baseballs to increase from $10 (!) to $10.23
5) the price of boxed chocolates and fake moustaches/wigs/sunglasses to go up slightly
6) this to be long talked as "the season the cubs won the world series" because if they don't make it past game 7, this will CLEARLY be the ONLY reason they didn't win the WS, which they rightly deserved to- however, FBI intervention (of whom the fan was clearly an agent) was put in place to dissuade nationwide melee, not to mention the possible Apocalyptic demise of our planet (Cubs/Red Sox series)