I really hope Kerry wins tomorrow, or maybe next week.

I didn't know your employer is required by law to give you two hours to go vote. Even though I didn't register this year, I might use that two hours for something else...
Eh, I would assume it's because The Proverbial They like to keep polling places as unbiased as possible. I remember in the 2000 election some chick working at the polling place asked her friend who she voted for, the lady running the show stopped her, yelling "DON'T TELL HER! NOT IN HERE!" or something to that effect.
Was compelled to do a write-in vote for HAM! but voted Kerry instead. Hot MILF in front of me. COCOCORERE.
Erik said:
Here's a more interesting site (though slow at the moment):


Bush wins in exactly ONE country in the entire world (Liechtenstein -- the Nigeria votes should be disregarded as there has been some ballot stuffing done there)
Look at Switzerland, Ireland, the former Yugoslavic countries and so forth... The world doesn't like Mr. Bush it seems

Pretty interesting page, but I wouldn't trust those figures too much since one can choose the your country:

Antarctica John Kerry by 17% 140 197 41 % 58 %

etc :)
J. said:
What state are you in?

This just in: Texas is voting Republican
Im in Maryland. Speaking of Texas, the Congressman also said he believed there was a high probability that Texas would be Democratic in 10 years.