*I* talked to greg today


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
they are out of Choirs of the Eye and almost out of Toby's solo album, but more will be arriving courtesy of indiepostalservice.com.

last night was, musically, the best show they've ever played, and they got paid pretty well and sold a bunch of merch.

greg thinks it's funny i thought "MI" was the abbreviation for missouri instead of michigan.

i demanded the new kayo dot album be shipped to me on oct.18th and greg kindly suggested i wait until they play in brooklyn at northsix in 11/19. pfft.
I was at the Columbus show last night. I kind of wish they hadn't played the new stuff and opted for more Choirs of the Eye material (only because I'm really familiar with it). The Antique was absolutely amazing live, though. I listened to it on CD on the way home and now it can't even compare. I bought a copy of Toby's solo album and I've been listening to it on and off today. I really like it. I was hoping that they'd have copies of the new album, but Mia said not for another two weeks, I think.

Lizard, I didn't see you there. I thought I was getting there late at, like, 9:30pm but luckily they hadn't started yet. I stayed in the back the whole time.