I think I'm almost there but I need some Sneapster help

hm...guitars could maybe use some work...they quak a bit immo
also some more room/reverb on the snare would be nice...hihat too
vocals are a bit low
other than that I think it sounds cool!
Thanks man! Would quack be too much upper mids? I agree with the need for more snare reverb. If there's one thing I suck at, it's reverb, even after reading the reverb threads.
I'm feeling a little brittleness in the guitars. My personal preference is a snare with a lot of meat on it, touch of plate verb. Nice solid kick though, suits the song quite well.

Would you feel up to posting some stems?
I probably could post some stems at some point when I have more time, but then someone is going to post a mix that absolutely slays mine and I'm gonna be like :worship: then :cry:
You do have a point there. Let me think it over for a bit. I feel like the mix is already pretty close to what I want, and stemming everything out and uploading it will take a lot of time and effort.
Yeah the guitars are pretty fizzy, might need to try taking out some 400-500hz until it starts to "meld" into the track. Vocals could do with turning up as previously mentioned ;) But overall, if you get the guitars right I think your onto a winner Greg!

Sweet job with the vocal layering! \m/
Here's a new attempt:


I pulled out some 415ish on the guitars, along with some high end, boosted them ever so slightly, added a new reverb bus mainly for the snare and fed a pinch of hi hats, toms, and overheads into it, brought the vocals up a db or two, and added a touch (1.5 db or so) of 50hz to the bass, just for kicks. I also beefed up the snare a bit.

I've decided against posting stems, only because I've put hundreds of hours into different mix versions, and now that I feel that I'm really close to a mix I'm happy with, I want to follow through with mixing it myself.
Sweet. The vocals need to be automated a bit more, and I could probably do the same with the snare, as on a couple songs it WAY loud for whatever reason, even on songs in the same tuning, but I think I'm going to stick with this mix overall, and just try to adjust the vocals and snare as needed per song/part.

Thanks everyone!