I think is a good bass sound, what do you think?

thanks dudes.
Yamaha 5 srings,radial j48, presonus firestudio.
tipical 3 layers sound.
fist track only the signal from j48, waves r comp,oxford eq,low pass at 300 Hz,high pass at 65hz
second trak signal from j48, svx, rcomp,1176,oxford eq low pass at 12khz,high pass at 200 hz
third track reamp the signal from j48 trough distorted sansamp,oford eq,filters as the above track
mix at your taste and send to a buss with 1176 eq and IMPORTANT xhum in 60hz

Important too first of all of course adjust the bass in order the sound you are after, and don't let the bass player to drink beer.