Afterthought? I don't read it that way. Enchant is a very emotive band and a down to earth bunch of friendly guys, and of course they want to satify their US fans. But, as Jerry pointed out, the US covers a LOT of territory and from a purely geographic density perspective there is a thicker fan base in Europe. For some reasons unbeknownst to me (well that's not entirely true - I know at least one reason, LOL! CC hell!) prog music has never attracted the hordes of fans here as it has in Europe. This isn't anything unique to Enchant. All prog - and basically all US metal - is similarly plagued.
Stretching the 'prog' just a bit (but surely covering the metal), consider another fave band of mine (well, 'ours', Stockton!), Savatage. I
love to see them here in the states -- they play at small clubs with anywhere from 75 (yeah I was there two years ago in Boynton Beach) to 700-800 people there. They love it - and the crowd LOVES them. Then they go to Europe. The crowd loves them there too -- but it's more like 10,000 people showin' the love! Go figure! So, you say, "at least Savatage TOURS here!" And right you are....but, don't forget....where might the funding for their US tour come from? There IS really a Santa Claus for Savatage, LOL...and it is called Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I love them both so it works for me! But most prog bands don't have a spectacular platimum-selling, two company, cross country, SRO-tour-generating alter-ego group to finance the stuff they would really LOVE to do.
It's a great big country we Americans live in. And after all, it still is a music
business. Enchant does more for their fans (here and in Europe) than most bands out there!
Finally, hold tight! I do believe Ed mentioned the distinct
probability of a couple of warm-up gigs here in the US! AND a distinct
possibility of a follow up US tour after they get back from Europe!
