I think ive done it...!


Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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Hey lads...

Ok...i think ive conjured up a very decent pass of drums/bass mix for orion....!! Sounds very un-midi now.... quite lively in fact....

This is what i done....

I programed the midi drums on 1 track......

Cloned the drum track 5 times and then made each track 1 part of the kit only...so i ended up with hats,kick,snare,toms and cymbals all on seperate tracks. You have to do this cause midi cymbals overpower everything...and kick is way low......

Once i had the 5 drum tracks they had to be converted to waves.... ( i dont know how to do this so i had to do it the hard way....playback the midi and record in real time )...each track at a time...was boring hearing 4 mins of hats on its own.....then kick etc....

So....then i had 5 wave files of the individual kit..... i also had a synth line and bass line completed in same way also....

I found myself doing the next stage in n-track again..... sonar way to confusing.... Mixed it up...added verbs......equed...fades....and bingo....!!

Ive sent rabs a copy to post up if anyone wants to hear the results.... I have part 2 to do then i can record my axes....

Stay tuned....
I got it. Sounded like a boatload of work. Was the bass midi too? It did not sound bad at all.

In fact..the whole thing sounded good...but definately sterile. The fact that the mixer can seperately control the individual drums in the mix appeals greatly to me though.

Can't wait to hear it with your guits on top. That should help it alot. This is a very guitar-focused song anyway..it may help cover up the sterile sound of the rhythm.

If you don't mind me asking..how many hours did you put into getting that file to me? I just want have an idea of how much time this is going to suck out of us. You can avoid counting hours on bass if that was programmed too..cause we don't need that here. :D
Youd be surprised how quick actually....... so far all up with bass...say maybe....20 hours....!!! And most of that...well over half was just for the bass....!!

Theres a big secret to it..... Basically all you have to do is program 1 bar of drums doing a simple 8 hihat hits,2 kicks,2snares....your standard 4/4 rock beat....

Once you have that its a matter of copy that bar and paste next to it...so then u have 2 bars...same again copy and paste....you then have 4..same again 8,16,32,64..... In say 5 mins you can have a standard 5 min song of drums finished....but no frills...!!

Then u just go through....and extra kicks and fills...cymbals....just personalise it to the song it is..... maybe 2 hours and its done....!

Bass pretty well much in the same way.....what ever is the standard do 1 bar....copy and paste...then tweak it.....!! Its all very easy....! Bass took up a lot of time.....

The mixdown was a pain...i dont know how to convert straight from midi to a wave....i had to playback each part and record real time..... with the drums you can have a track for everything...hats,kick,crash,ride,bells...etc...very cool.....!!

Have a go..... copy and paste....and its done in minutes..!

Orion is gonna sound way cool.....i finished part 2 last night in say 4 hours or so..... couple more tweaks and then the guitars...

Now we can do any song we want..... not quite as good as MM's drummin.....but its good enough...sorry MM.....
Just finished all the rythym tracks.....12.04am sunday morn.....

Will sleep and have the leads finished tomorrow.......Just that and a lil adjustment to the drum track.... have to boost the kick up and a lil cymbals....

other than that....youll never believe the bass and kit are midi....any sterileness is totally lost....and even the dodgy toms ( Whicj\h i thought were the weakest point in my mix ) comes up sounding close to mr larz himself....

As you can see.....its my first recording in well over 6mnths....and i guess im a lil excited.....

Plus i now no we can pull off drum tracks..... so the sky is the limit to what songs ppl wanna do.....

Stay tuned.... ill send out the emails as soon as its done.....Send me an email or pm if u wanna copy...

Rock on lads... :)
Hey guys, I just got Sonar 2.0 XL, and the DR-008 drum sampler for it... The great thing about the DR-008 is that it plays the LM4-files of "Drumkit from hell", which gives a set of greatsounding drums! The Drumkit from hell is awesome :) And since it seems quite easy to use with Sonar 2 XL I think it should be fairly easy to create some kind of neat drumtrack. I'll try to make a sample for you guys, and if you want the gear, just let me know.

Orion is finished........ Final mix is being emailed to Rabs and Ec now.....

As myplay is closed...if anyone else wants a copy let me know.....

It sounds cool.....

NEF: Can u eamil me over the drums from hell samples..... i cant use them yet with my soundblaster64 card...but when i upgrade ill definately want some cool samples.....

Cheers all....
Hey Meds, the DFH samples are about 650 mb big.... so it's a bit hard to e-mail ;) However, my ftp is up, and I talked to my ISP about the slow upload speed. They agreed that something was fishy, and two weeks later my speed was 4 times as high as it had been! So with a little luck you can get it from me that way.
Mail me for login info (oh, and remember to send me your IP-adress with the mail! Check what adress you have on www.whatsmyip.org if you're not sure).

Anyways, I've posted a one minute drumtrack I made with Sonar & Drumkit from hell at http://hem.passagen.se/slaanesh/drums.zip
I am no master when it comes to using midi-programs, and I don't know much about drums, but it was really easy to work with this. Bear in mind that this is the first track I've made with DFH :)

Nef: 650mb..... :eek:

Bummer..... i wont even bother attempting to download all that.... thanx for the thought though.... ill guess ill have to get the samples some other way....like actually paying for them.... :cry:

Im downloading your sample now though.... im sure its gonna sound special.... I need to upgrade my soundcard....

Anyone recommend a wicked soundcard....im thinking creative soundblaster audigy....??? is this any good...???

EC: Your email bounced on me...... were gonna have to look into an alternate way....maybe i can send u 1 fragment a day or something....... unless rabs can upload it somewhere.....??

Let me know if u got it ok rabs.....and ec i can send 1 part at a time if u want me too....

Later dudes...
Hell yeah nef..... If u could burn those samples off that would be great....if i could get a copy of the drummer from hell that would be choice also....... Id be glad to compensate you with some money also...i could send u a money order for ya troubles..... :)

That link above for your drum example...when i download it and it goes to extract...it comes up with an error...i couldnt get it to work......

Ill have to exchange email address with ya....
Hmm strange that you got an error... was it the zip-file that didn't work properly? Perhaps we have different versions of winzip or something. Anyway, about the Drumkit from hell, it is nothing but samples, no program or anything. You have to use either Cakewalk Sonar with the Dr-008 drumkit-plugin or Steinberg Cubase with the LM4-plugin. I use the sonar-thingy, and I'll see if I can fit it on the same cd as the samples.