i totally pissed this chick off

lol.,.i said that punk music sucks and to fuck off and to fuck off and die in the guest book.,.,,.lol.,.,.i stand with those opinions,.,..,
It's not punk music that sucks.. well, I guess that is an opinion, but what really turns me away from most punk bands are the Anti-Fascist fascist attitudes. The whole "If you don't act like us, you're a capitalist, racist pig that deserves to die" attitude. Fuck Socio-political punk and fuck Punkemotes. The whining about Martin Luther King is pathetic. Unless you're black, negro, african-american (or whatever is politically "correct" at the moment), Martin Luther King day has no significance.

Oh, and after looking over the bands on the page. That isn't punk. That's MTV Emo and fashioned-for-the-masses "pop punk". If you want real punk, check out The Varukers, Doom, and Flux of Pink Indians (although their vegan communist propaganda can fuck off.)
The whining about Martin Luther King is pathetic. Unless you're black, negro, african-american (or whatever is politically "correct" at the moment), Martin Luther King day has no significance.
he was a hippy that preached anti war stuff also so so hippies whine about his death.