I, Voyager rejected from MTV



Apparently Jay Z can use repeated images of violence in his vids ( I got 99 problems and a bitch aint one) but Nevermore had to edit I, Voyager bacause of violence issues. At the end of the original edit Warrel commits suicide and MTV execs found it too disturbing. What's left is a watered down version of the storyline. All said the video will air August 14th...
Is warrel dead?????? is he?
because he commited suicide at the end! then he must be dead!!!!
the violence! the humanity!!!
I'm going to do the same! I'm going to kill myself!!!!
screw the world, it efected me too much!
GroundXero3k said:
That's fucking stupid. Fuck MTV til their ass bleeds acid.


Poor Nevermore, but then again, it is MTV....

Pimp my ride yo!
Pimp my crib yo!
Ebonics 101 pimp yo pimp!
To Warrel, Wendy And The Rest Of The Band:

It would be really nice of you guys to put up the orginal unedited I, Voyager video up on your website.

Who else is with me?
Yeah, because if an 8 year old child were to see the video ( airing at like 11:30 PM ) and saw Warrel commit suicide it may give them the wrong idea.

OK, the obvious question, what child would be up that late?

I hate edited videos, songs, films. All of these have a certain audience and they all do not have to be watered down for kids.
ms. anthrope said:
WTF? that is the most freakin' retarded thing i ever heard. the concept of the video is based on a fantasy, for pete's sake!!!

(except for the pete part , I don't personally know him o_O :loco: )
the part in question is "figurative." you'd get if you read anne rice books. there was no blood, no guns, no knives, no violence. if that's the part they are so uppity about, how stupid!!! i thought it had to do with drinking from a bottle...?

whatever. i'm thoroughly disgusted.
bah, how sucky :bah:
nuke MTV
....and Lifetime

I can't wait to see it on the net, though. :dopey:
On one hand, nobody should be surprised that MTV did something stupid and wussy.

On the other, this is a new low even for them. If anyone doubted that MTV was actively attempting to keep new and original artists that don't fit their formula "in their place," doubt no longer.

Bah, who the fuck needs MTV? Let's get a street team together, print out some flyers or something. Well, for the next tour or album, anyway...
Hah. When you think that MTV can't go any lower they pull an ace out of their sleeve. I'm beginning to think that it's some sort of conspiracy to not show any decent music on that sorry excuse of a channel so they dig up these ridiculous reasons. Like the one for Nightwish's Nemo. Can't show videos with snow in it at summer time. :|
Mtv did something incredibly gay? My entire universe has just collapsed around me.

Fuse is better anyway, and they have a tendency to play the stuff that Mtv doesn't have to balls to air.

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