I want a two headed snake

Ehh at about the same time I found out my buddy didnt get the job with me over the summer and Im kinda bummed cause of it. We work really well together...did the same thing last summer. I really dont want to work under some asshole.
Wings of a dream said:
Looks Photoshopped to me.


Well then mister, can you point out the flaws? The purpose of that article was that they had sent in the original images to one of the photographers at Associated Press (a newsagency) who confirmed that they are in fact not photoshopped. I'd like to see you prove them wrong though.
PanzerKunt said:
Well then mister, can you point out the flaws? The purpose of that article was that they had sent in the original images to one of the photographers at Associated Press (a newsagency) who confirmed that they are in fact not photoshopped. I'd like to see you prove them wrong though.

:erk: Got me there, I just couldn't understand the articles.