I want all your conspiracy theories


New Metal Member
Aug 24, 2003
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How about it? What's your pet peeve conspiracy theory? Don't hold back, take it to the limit, we can handle it here. Lets hear it. What is it ? !
i hate the fact that ppl get elected while they have a bunch of clandestine disciples behind them u never fucking heard of, not knowing what they are capable of steering your personal life.
Old people are not really frail and infirm, and in fact posess superhuman strength, speed and intelligence. If you leave them on their own you can catch them doing things you wouldn't believe anyone could do. Have you ever noticed how they like to gather in small groups at Denny's for brunch on sunday's. What are they plotting? They're like these independent terrorist cells that can't be linked together but really are. I can never understand what they're talking about either, they drone on and on about the past and I think it's a hypnotic/passing secret info. technique. You become stupefied while their friends nod away in agreement. Something is up with that.
i have so many fears about conspiracies and that.Ancient knowledge is being kept away from the mass and only the few and powerful have access to it.In greece there were many healing waters.they were considered very poswerfull in the old days.After the Christians were multiplied,the church simply sealed all them entrances,including the "entrance to Hades",as described in Homer's Odyssey :ill: :OMG: and they either built churches on them or just hid them away...

There are so amy strange things happening in some mountains in greece too...Like the Olympus(maybe the greek gods were some kind of aliens?).Electromagnetic fields do exist,they have been counted,byt there is silence over these stuff...

One thing that bothers me alot these days...about god like.He might exist,but i think all of them(angels etc) are some kind of creatures,deffo not the way that are described in "holy" books.They must be strange entities,aliens you could call them...well...

if i start about conspiracies,ill never end.and my head hurts so...:(
noce thread trona tho i see it got no respond:(:(