I want it.

where do you pull out the cheese grator? And does it come with a special watch where you press a button the thing flies over to you? If its wireless you know its going to destory batteries,
wow! a keyboard that's so gorgeous that you'll be looking at it the whole time!
it's like getting bycicle with learning wheels because they have lcds that show your speed.

i would pay ANY money for a touch sensitive lcd that you can use like a keyboard and a touchpad at the same time, and supports hand gestures.
EagleFlyFree said:
wow! a keyboard that's so gorgeous that you'll be looking at it the whole time!
it's like getting bycicle with learning wheels because they have lcds that show your speed.

i would pay ANY money for a touch sensitive lcd that you can use like a keyboard and a touchpad at the same time, and supports hand gestures.

It does kick ass indeed.
i meant it as a bad thing :/ for the same reason that a car with porn on the dashboard would be bad, you're not supposed to look at it (the dashboard, not porn)

@scalp: i don't think you broke news for anyone
Wings of a dream said:
You can polish it as you write it to with verbal commands. It's not as hard as it sounds either.
never tried that, but I'm teh caveman :cool:
I'll stick to my trustworthy keyboard for the moment.

HOWEVER, voice recognition is pretty cool to start programs and shortcuts.
a voice activated keyboard! genius! so you have to spell shit out loud, versus the existing voice recognition software that listens to you speaking (kind of) fluently.

actually voice recognition gets better with practice, you train the program to your particular voice and it gets things better and better. it takes some days to learn, but after that it gets pretty profficient, or so i read too.
it definitively doesn't beat a touch typist by far, but for people who can't be assed to get fast at typing, or for the disabled or whatever, it's pretty useful and even vital.
EagleFlyFree said:
actually voice recognition gets better with practice, you train the program to your particular voice and it gets things better and better. it takes some days to learn, but after that it gets pretty profficient, or so i read too.
it definitively doesn't beat a touch typist by far, but for people who can't be assed to get fast at typing, or for the disabled or whatever, it's pretty useful and even vital.

Now we agree