i want to post what happened with me at Best Buy


Aug 2, 2002
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but like i think if i do i will end up throwing the keyboard at the girl next to me and smashing her facial bones into pieces.

maybe greg can tell for me.
i told myself i would never buy anything at that store over $10 because i don't want them to make a profit off me. so far this year all i bought from them was the yeah yeah yeahs' disc for $6.99, which they still probably made a profit off of.

best buy in nyc promised the_preppy her computer would arrive in 3-5 days.

when she hadn't heard from them she called them to check the status and was amde to feel like an idiot for doing so and they assured her they would contact her. now we are almost two weeks from when she ordered it and it still ahsn't arrived and when she called them yesterday to check AGAIN she was told that it looked like it had arrived but someone needed to locate it for her and call her back in a half hour and they never called her back so she kept calling them throughout the day to find out what happened only to be continually put on hold and driven insane.

finally she found out that one of the guys attempted to call her at home and when she wasn;t there, had the NERVE to bitch out ehr roomate for her not being there without even trying any other number to contact her.

and i am all for the complete firing of those employees for being bitches but that is a side note.
never mind that the guy lied to me :( he told me 'you can't keep calling, we'll call you when it's in' on the 19th. he signed for it on the 19th. and never called. and i called back and he bitched at me again!


i should add that i am literally the kind of person that HATES to whine/annoy sales people or otherwise. i am the kind of person that will just NOT eat their food if they get the wrong order at a restaurant because i dont want to BOTHER the waiter.
the guy was honestly so rude to me and so pissy with my roommate and i that i am afraid to go get my laptop tomorrow for fear that he'll do something to it and it'll be messed up =[
i'll give that to you RIGHT after i get my computer. heh.
seriously though i mean, he was really mean. i called TWICE in 8 days to see if the computer was there. i wasn't calling constantly. he said 3-5 days and i started calling after 7 days. and he was like 'don't call back, WE'LL CALL YOU'. then it shows up and he loses it and doesn't call me.
THEN HE GETS MAD AT ME for asking for the truth.
and when he was mean the first time i just apologized and he said 'ok i will call you by saturday'. then no call... monday... tuesday... so i finally called yesterday. and he FLIPPED.

turns out he signed for the computer on the 19th. forgot... sold it to someone else... and was trying to blow me off.