I was bored so i made a compilation...

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
I was hella bored today because i was sick and had to stay all day at home. So seeing i hasd nothing to do i decided occupy my time to make a "best of" compilation disk and even make a cover with it, but heres the track listing...

Sea of Lies
Communion & the Oracle
Of Sins and Shaddows
Church of the machine (live version)
King of Terrors
Smoke and Mirrors
Eyes of Medusa
The Oddyssey

running time - 77:58

So what do you think eh eh eh?? pretty kickass isnt it, not only the actual songs but also order of them, can any of you think of a better one? I'd like to see:)
I already made one of these compilation CDs. Only could fit 5 songs! I wanted 6 but it was over by like 1 1/2 minute.

The Accolade
The Accolade II
(Communion and the Oracle I wanted...)
Through the Looking Glass
The Divine Wings of Tragedy
The Odyssey

Heh, Through the Looking Glass has alot of meaning to me. In my acting class I wrote the greatest play inspired by Through the Looking Glass. Heh, even some of the lyrics were kept in ("Alice... Alice... Run Alice... Run..." "In a rage of desperate fury shattering all that lies before" "Step through the empty air, reveal what wasn't there
A fantasy-her looking glass world" "Like she's been here before, locked behind the door
Held within the grasp of mystic hands
Everything's so strange, the same but rearranged
Through a bird's eye view-Can it all be true?
" to name a few).

Oh well. Later
The sampler that I have given out to a bunch of people runs something like this:

The Damnation Game
Through the Looking Glass
Communion and the Oracle
Sea of Lies
Of Sins and Shadows
The Edge of Forever
Church of the Machine
On the Breath of Poseidon
The Death of Balance/Lacrymosa
Candlelight Fantasia

I haven't adjusted the sampler since the release of the Odyssey. I also decided to stay away from inlcuding material from the live cd. Still, it serves as a decent and well-rounded intro to the music of Symphony X IMHO.

karelrulez said:
I don't know.. Symphony X compilations don't work for me.. When I hear 'Inferno', I automatically want to hear 'Wicked' after it, u know what I mean?
That happens with me too, but I still have a compilation for my car. I think mine goes:

The Turning
Of Sins and Shadows
Sea of Lies
Accolade II
Out of the Ashes
A Fool's Paradise
Rediscovery Pt. II

I woulda put more in, but I couldn't fit any more on the cd :(
I just recently made a tape for this girl who I've known for a long time. She's actually the person who first got me really into metal like 20 years ago. She was a huge Iron Maiden fan. Strangely she's never heard of Symphony X.
Let's complete her education:

Side 1
(Signature Songs)
The Edge Of Forever
Sea Of Lies
The Accolade
The Accolade II
Communion And The Oracle
Candlelight Fantasia

Side 2
A Winter's Dream(1+2)
The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
The Odyssey

I envy her the initial experience.:cool:
Yngtchie Blacksteen said:
Where's 'Through The Looking Glass'?
It wouldn't fit on a 110 min. tape(that's 55 minutes per side), so I had to pick the two grand epics(plus "The Odyssey" is relevent for persuading her to come to the New Haven show with me) as well as the very definite "A Winter's Dream". I deeply regret not being able to include "Through The Looking Glass" and "Rediscovery" on that side and "Awakenings" and "Lady Of The Snow" on the other.
meh, i dunno whats the big deal about Evolution, i always thought it was a pretty overated song. But thats obviously only me as everyone else thinks its great....but i dunno, it doesnt have any substance for me, just some cool speedy riffs.