I was listening to the new album and thinking...

Metallicat180 said:
People would really trip out if the Maidens did one of the songs from the new album this year sometime!!!! I know it's asking alot of the girls and will probably never happen (yet) but I'd love to see people's faces if they did!! :lol: I would love to hear them do These Colours Don't Run or The Longest Day myself.

Ahhh "These Colours Don't Run" is growing on you a little!!!
That would be very cool. I'm just happy I got tickets to see Maiden do it next month.
Metallicat180 said:
People would really trip out if the Maidens did one of the songs from the new album this year sometime!!!! I know it's asking alot of the girls and will probably never happen (yet) but I'd love to see people's faces if they did!! :lol: I would love to hear them do These Colours Don't Run or The Longest Day myself.

I'm sure they are going to decide what songs they may be able to do. Remember if too much keybords it could only be done with Michael.

It will be interesting to see what the Maidens think.

Maiden_Cali said:
Ahhh "These Colours Don't Run" is growing on you a little!!!
That would be very cool. I'm just happy I got tickets to see Maiden do it next month.

That was one of the only ones which grabbed me off the bat when I first listened to it. The rest of it is growing on me, except Lord Of Light (apart from that awesome riff about 1.45, I think, in.) and The Legacy. I will give it time.

Jim - I know what you mean about keyboards. Someone in California needs to become the Maidens full time keyboardist!!!:lol:
Metallicat180 said:
That was one of the only ones which grabbed me off the bat when I first listened to it. The rest of it is growing on me, except Lord Of Light (apart from that awesome riff about 1.45, I think, in.) and The Legacy. I will give it time.

Jim - I know what you mean about keyboards. Someone in California needs to become the Maidens full time keyboardist!!!:lol:

I think 4:55 in Lord of Light is one of the best and heaviest riffs on the record. Love the song
So since the Maidens can't do any heavy keyboard songs all the time, which ones do y'all think they could do?

I don't have the CD yet.

spideyjg said:
So since the Maidens can't do any heavy keyboard songs all the time, which ones do y'all think they could do?

I don't have the CD yet.


Hmmm, I don't really know which ones are really heavy on the keyboards cos it's not something I concentrate on. I'd love to hear them do The Clansman which I suppose has quite alot of keyboards.
I went out to buy the album on saturday, but finally realized after the 3rd stop after not finding it, that it hasn't come out in the US yet, :bah:
Metallicat180 said:
Your country's alot bigger than ours!! :lol:

Exactly the reason the tour shouldn't concentrate on a very tiny portion of it :)

Spread out, hit major cities in all the major zones and get far more people willing to come.
The Longest Day is a real good song but I don't know if it would carry live well.

I haven't decided which I'd beg the ladies for yet. Probably Brighter than a Thousand Suns. I love Steve's playing in that one. His fills at times remind me of the ones in Wasted Years.

Rhythmically I really like Nicko's work on Reincarnation.
