I was reading "The Two Towers" today...


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
...and it struck me that EVERY FUCKING PLACE IN MORDOR has been used for band names.

Amon Amarth: http://www.amonamarth.com/
Barad-Dûr: http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=11090
Cirith Gorgor: http://www.geocities.com/cirith_gorgor/
Cirith Ungol: http://www.bnrmetal.com/groups/ciun.htm
Ephel Dúath: http://www.ephelduath.net/
Gorgoroth: http://www.gorgoroth.org/
Minas Morgul: http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=11607 (Also a Summoning title)
Morannon: http://biphost.spray.se/bryntse/morannon.html
Orodruin: http://www.geocities.com/orodruin1488/ORODRUIN_aryanwarkult.html and there's also a doom band with the same name

HAVE SOME FUCKING CREATIVITY PEOPLE!!!!!!!1111"#"% Though I guess they will be forced now that EVERY Mordor name is taken :p
yeah, there are tons. Of course the metal bands would pick the "evil" names. There are lots of other metal bands named after LOTR. Rivendell, Isengard, etc...
More bands need to read the Silmarillion, there are so many more kickass names in there. :p
It's even more unoriginal when bands take on character names like Gandalf or Arwen!

I think I'll start a one man black satanic nazi jihad fatwa jew band called Frodo.