Matt of Tribunal - I have an album you should release on CD for the first time

I liked that Squadron track too, oddly proggy in parts yet very down-to-earth sounding. Good stuff.

They were really ahead of their time, esp for a Chicago band.
I saw them once in the late 80's at a local club, and always remembered the name. I had a cassette dub of their demo throughout the years, and thanks to eBay found a bootleg version of their demo on CD.
hey guys, i have been in the studio working on Jasonic's favorite scene band, killwhitneydead's long awaited new album! so i haven't been able to pop in.

Yes, the reissue game is a tough circle to be in especially when dealing with bands who haven't been doing music for nearly 20 years and it's so far removed from their lives. things i am currently working on for release later in the year.

CONFESSOR - Demo collection w/ archival DVD (with new essay from Jeff Wagner of Mean Deviation and Metal Maniacs)
CYCLONE TEMPLE - My Friend Lonely (Deluxe Edition)

then here comes the list of bands that i have had chats with about working together. if we ever get around to doing anything? who knows at this point, but i try and keep talking with them about a reissue for us fans: DEATHWISH, IRONCHRIST, EPIDEMIC, HARD KNOX, ENCHANTER (pre-Cyclone Temple vocalist, Sonny Deluca), UNCLE SLAM (remainder of catalog), DR. KNOW, FLY MACHINE, GOTHIC SLAM, SKITZOTIK, JOKER, GREAT KING RAT, THE AWFUL TRUTH, OF DYING DREAMS (old cult NC band) and probably a few i am forgetting.

there are plenty of ones i would love to do, but at the moment licensing from the major labels is impossible. they have even shut the door on BIG metal labels wanting to purchase deep catalogs from the likes of Noise Records, etc. it's a shame how all this is playing out with so many great albums being buried in the vaults of Sony, Universal and Warner Brothers but i press on!
A few albums that I think that are is deperate need to being re-released if they haven't already are

Drive: both their albums are criminally underrated and unbelievably hard to find. Out of the 2, Characters in Time is my favorite though Diablero is excellent too.

D'Priest - Playa De Rock, this is basically a London album with Nadirs name on it. Never cared for the London albums but this one grabbed me especially this song
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i would LOVE to do the first DRIVE album but it was on Rampage and i think Rhino Records still owns the rights to it. Also, i have chats with Dirk from HITTMAN about a year ago and we discussed a HITTMAN box set with both albums, demo and the unreleased album that they recorded between the two officially released albums. Sadly enough, they no longer respond. :( i tried my best. SPV still does own the rights to their first album.

D'Priest record would fall into the Noise Records catalog dilemma i described earlier. :( i love that album. i would love to do the LONDON album that preceeds it.
Also, i have chats with Dirk from HITTMAN about a year ago and we discussed a HITTMAN box set with both albums, demo and the unreleased album that they recorded between the two officially released albums.

An unreleased album?! Have any copies of it ever leaked? Anyone know if it is more in the vein of their awesome debut or the Bon Joviness of Vivas Machina?
An unreleased album?! Have any copies of it ever leaked? Anyone know if it is more in the vein of their awesome debut or the Bon Joviness of Vivas Machina?

no, it's never leaked because it sounded like it's never been taken off of their DATs. he said they have enough stuff for 2 albums actually. not sure what it sounded like, but i would guess more like the first album and eventually transformed into Vivas. we never got into too much depth about why they were shelved all those years ago. but the box set idea would have been cool because they have a pro-shot show as well for DVD.

but it's instances like this that normally make me want to rip my hair out and throw my hands in the air. so i keep searching and talking to cool dudes in bands i love and hope to work something out.

i would love to do the Drive album. i will try and track them down. hell, i even love the second album too as commercial as it was.
but it's instances like this that normally make me want to rip my hair out and throw my hands in the air. so i keep searching and talking to cool dudes in bands i love and hope to work something out.
I really hope that people can appreciate the efforts that go in to doing this. You and I have already collected enough stories to fill a book with some bands who just don't get it. They either think they can do it themselves and sell crappy CDrs. Some fill "the time just isn't right". Some are afraid to move because their former labels have them in fear. Or the band got so royally screwed 20 years ago that they are hesitate to take any chance. And of course my favorite is those bands who did not achieve much x amount of years ago and suddenly they think they will become rock stars because an idie label is willing to re-issue their album that...will face it, it did not sell that well the first go round. HAHA
Sometimes you just have to say "so be it" and move on.

i would love to do the Drive album. i will try and track them down. hell, i even love the second album too as commercial as it was.

I have them both, but I think I like the second one better. The first one is good but it was very typical compared to the countless other U.S. power metal bands at the time. The second album seemed more of their own sound.