Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6

WD joined Hanson
Jeff joined Slipknot
Van joined Linkin PArk

could you imagine that happening!?

It would be so awkward! hanson would suddenly have this booming(and drunken) singer drowning out those other fucks! the live show would be interesting. i wonder if the tiny teenies would be all over Wally!?

linkin park would be up there rapping and singing about bullshit with their simple and lame riffs playing, while the fucking madman Van is playing machine gun double bass with his arms flailing everywhere working the cymbals like only Van can....that would be an odd mismatch! jeff joinging slipknot would be the most normal, but still a mismatch because jeff would be tearin git up or playing some wicked riff or some beautiful brooding solo and slipknot would be up there yelling and playing stupid riffs with ugly ugly UGLY guitar tones and that fuck corey taylor would screaming about how everyone are a bunch of bitches and shit! it owuld be the most logical of the 3 mentioned changes, but still rediculous!
maybe one of the three bands mentioned would cover a song! you think that little hanson bitch could handle vans drumming if they played Dead Heart in a Dead World?!

or those TWO fagots in linking park handling the vox and the gitarist handling the guitar if they played 7 tongues?!

maybe corey taylor of lsipknot could handle the vox in...ooooooohhhhhhh.......i don't know.........maybe battle angels? i don't think so.
why did i write this much? i don't know. just think about it all, its funny