I won some awards today!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
We had an award ceremony for the Art department today..I won two things:
A $1,000 scholarship and an Honorable mention award for my jewelry (I was given a bunch of very opalescent moonstones...wowee!).

The awards were for the pieces entered in the student show (two of mine were accepted), and the jewelry award was for the moth pin, Nex Matris:

Mjolnir is also in the show:

Yah, It's pretty fucking sweet..I was also given some roses and lots of hugs.
I've never had any luck being accepted in the student show...but I guess the juror really had a thing for representational art (a rarity in most jurors!).
This was very unexpected.

I've been pretty fucking busy of late. I finished a massive bell for our forging/raising project in jewelry, a huge pastel drawing and two enameling projects. Now I'm working on another Nevermore-based drawing...and 4 canvases...and my voice final...and 2 portfolios....and job hunting...


Ugh, I need a massage.

At least I get to relax at an opera recital tomorrow night...that sounds great :Spin:
The moth is completely awesome, wow!

Congrats on the awards Lesa, you're very talented :)
That moth pin is super, hooray! for the jury.
Moonstone is very feminine, so the reward suits you very well.
Carving, tumbling and polishing your own stones is complicated but also a great thing to do.
Did they gave you tumbled or rough specimen?


If you ever gonna make a pendant or earrings with moonstone,
please PM me. I'm interested to purchase one of your designs.
If you'd like to have information about lythotherapy and/or esotherics of stones and minerals,
i'd be glad to help you.
yay, mothwomang!

congrats on recieving such great and generous awards! it's always great when someone's recognized for their talents, especially those as great as yours.

have fun at the opera thing and good luck on the job-hunt!
Bacchante, are you familiar with the works of Kit Williams? He wrote a couple of "armchair treasure hunt" books in the early eighties, and that moth really reminds me of the jeweled bee he created as the prize for solving the "bee book" puzzle.