I wonder, how stupid are we getting?


safe in the cornfields
So i'm watching TV and an ad comes on for this sleep drug. It describes it, blah blah blah, until it gets to the end, and tells the side effects.

'Side effects may include headaches, dizziness, unpleasant taste, and drowsiness".

Thank the nine hells they told me my sleep medicine might make me drowsy as a side effect. That's one i DON'T want.
rampant sex normally cures insomnia. Providing there is no snuggling afterwards cause if an arm is blocking a comfortable sleeping position during that 5 minute window of being completley fucking shattered then it doesnt work.
Final_Product said:
rampant sex normally cures insomnia. Providing there is no snuggling afterwards cause if an arm is blocking a comfortable sleeping position during that 5 minute window of being completley fucking shattered then it doesnt work.

Thats why you should always keep a post-sex-hack saw under the pillow.
Hey...i'll ride you to high heaven and back BECAUSE you have barbed wire bracelets. Us scotmen can take pain, and we enjoy it.