I wonder if Glenn is aware of this

Naah I just know better than to assume in light of the complete lack of any signs of humor..I've been here on UM for a long time. <IMG class=inlineimg title=Wink alt="" src="/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif" border=0 smilieid="5">

So have I, dear Jax... So have I...

In fact, only 5 months less than you... So I think that puts me and you on the same level as far as that goes here on UM... ;)
True, though I seriously doubt the promoters of this fest consider themselves to be competition for Prog Power. Seems more of the Milwaukee Metalfest mentality of booking anything and everything in the hopes something will appeal to everyone. Though they are ten to twenty years too late.

Underground metal isn't even that underground anymore.
You can see most of those bands all the time.
Very true. See YOU at PPUSA IX, my friend. GO SOX!:kickass::headbang:
I spoke with Glenn about it. They were free to book other shows surrounding the fest with Glenn's blessing, so all is cool.

I expect they were and are free to book whatever they want, with or without Glenn's blessing, so long as they met their ProgPower USA obligation.

There isn't one band on that roster I'd cross the street for.
Yeah i don't think that festival will Affect ProgPower at all. If you look at the lineup, aside from Into Eternity and Mustach, all the other bands are not ProgPower Material. They follow the Alternative Hardcore vibe and the so called "New wave of American Metal" (Whatever the hell that means lol). In all serious, nothing we should be worried about, aside from the missing the flight thing for Mustach