"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

^A black metal band is not trve if one can read its logo.

^^Yeah Prayer should have more fast guitar leads, making that melody part melt into solos and so on. This simplicity will backfire.
Joonas should be lapping up the atmosphere of this album. I'm surprised.

It's got some atmosphere going on, but the yellow thrash sound is antagonist to atmosphere, so it's like thirsty man trying to drink from sea, having to resort to the few coconuts available. It's atmospheric for thrash metal, but I'm searching for extreme atmosphere experiences so I'm a bitch to satisfy. I take diamonds and throw rubies away.
It's got some atmosphere going on, but the yellow thrash sound is antagonist to atmosphere, so it's like thirsty man trying to drink from sea, having to resort to the few coconuts available. It's atmospheric for thrash metal, but I'm searching for extreme atmosphere experiences so I'm a bitch to satisfy. I take diamonds and throw rubies away.

You're description makes me think you wear ugs and yoga pants. Wanna go get a pumpkin spice and talk about silent night bodom night?:loco::loco::loco:
After a shitload of listens I'm starting to enjoy the album. I've really warmed up to widdershins, and I won't skip over horns. The final third of My Bodom was actually stuck in my head for a while which is good. The entire song should've been melodic like that.
Can anyone post the lyrics/booklet?

Going to second that. Scan would great, but would also not complain about phone camera pics. Is there anything interesting on the dvd while we're at it, possible rip? Fucking post Canada doesn't deliver on weekends and I am 90% sure I won't receive my package until Monday at best :bah:
Ok, here's my review:

I Hurt: could be better
My Bodom: not so good
Morrigan: good
Horns: good
Prayer: really good
I Worship Chaos: bad
Hold Your Tongue: not so good
Suicide Bomber: good
All For Nothing: could be better
Widdershins: really good
Mistress: good
Danger Zone: could be better
Black Winter Day: good

Worst things are those chugga chuck riffs and that almost every verse sound like the same. And I miss a few more technical songs. Ok, I miss ONE! Technically that album is a hugh step back. But at least the solos are better than on HOB.
Drums are almost bad. Just one or two songs where jaskas playing isn't always the same through a whole song. Guitar tone is good. Mastering is bad in some songs (Widdershins, Hold Your Tongue).

All in all - the album is better than expected. Could be my new favorite after a few weeks.

And american Alexi still sucks.
I'm starting to like Hold Your Tongue. It ain't overall that special but it has one of the best choruses Laiho has ever written imo.
I'm starting to like Hold Your Tongue. It ain't overall that special but it has one of the best choruses Laiho has ever written imo.

That song is growing on me pretty fast and is one of my most listened to songs at the moment. Just the whole vibe of the song is sooooo much different from anything I've ever heard from the band and that guitar to key solo transition at 2:51-2:54 is pure bliss. Straight out of an 80's pop-rock song. I love it.
All in all - the album is better than expected. Could be my new favorite after a few weeks.

Wow, you must of liked it a good amount.

I still haven't listened, we are supposed to get a ton of rain and nasty weather tomorrow so I might sit out in my car and listen to it :)
Yall cr8

Children of Decadence easily wins best chorus. So angry, melodic, and ATMOSPHERIC. Bodom Beach Terror up there, too. That's what I miss from the older COB. Oh well this new shit not bad, either.
man i forgot how ridiculously good the chorus in bbt is. i think hcdr was cob at their catchiest. the verse in tch, pre-chorus and chorus in ybof...holy shit. those riffs and melodies weren't necessarily atmospheric but christ were they catchy and well structured. they've never been able to do it that well since even though there are moments of brilliance sprinkled here and there. the only post hcdr track that i can't fault is the tie my rope demo that was on that bam margera compilation.
hold your tongue has my favourite solo on this album. super uplifting. favourite chorus has to be all for nothing. same sort of vibe, cant put my finger on it, but it makes me feel so good.
Hopefully they will deliver the CD and my LP coming from Finland today. They should since both are on their way and Sweden ain't that far. Looking forward to the first listen, wait for the sun to go down, get some beers, and hopefully not get disapointed. Fingers crossed!