i would really like if you could recommend me something ^-^y


New Metal Member
Feb 21, 2006
Hey im looking for some good music.i would really like if someone could recommend me something.Im really into all type of metal style.imy favorite is probably instrumental metal.

heres some stuff from my favorite list.

Andromeda extention of the wish(i feel the 2 other album are so bad compared to the first.the first is god like)
Dragonforce Inhuman Rampage(only album i know of em)
Liquid tension experiment both album(simply amazing)
An Evening With John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess(also incredible)
Dream theater(who doesnt like them?)
Stephane dufour distortion(nice stuff)
pagans mind 2 and 3 album

i also like other metal type altought i listen to them less than the above
Within temptation
children of bodom
3 billion more stuff i wont list

stuff from laser edge you cant recommend me cause i recently bought em :)
canvas solaris
degree absolute
antidepressive delivery
circus maximus

im really open when it comes to music i listen to anything from ben harper to nine inch nails.

Any suggestion would be nice and a link to a sample would be even better!

Thank you
hmmm you like Nightwish and Within Temptation. I recommend Trance of Mine & After Forever, also female singers & metal.

I recommend Zero Hour and Riverside just because I think they are absolutely amazing bands as well. Mind's Eye's new cd Walking on H20 is a new favorite of mine as well.
If you like the whole instrumental thing then try Gordian Knot I enjoy both CDs but they are quite different the first is more Technical the second more progressive. Also worth trying Bozzio Levin and Stevens (Simliar to LTE) Karius (really good prog fusion) If you really open minded try Saurang Orchestra- Surinder Sandhu (really good world fusion with some cool/hot guitar playing; Vai at his best) Fragile are pretty special; check out the live CD
On the prog metal side it might be worth checking out Wastefall: Soul Rain 21 and Fragile Vastness: A Tribute To Life (not sure what is happening to Greek metal at present but both are pretty impressive!!!
Mindflow:just the two of us me and them (good as:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy Circus Maximus:rock: )
behold the arctopus (instrumental prog techical metal :goggly: )
power of omens ( less melodic than Circus Maximus but very technical)
Lalu ( the name and lyric suck but very good melody and tempo)
Balance of power
TOC ( fu**ing weard spychedelic prog metal)
Waste fall
age of nemesis
thanks again for all the suggestion altought i didnt have time to look up many of them yet :*( i did listen to 7 for 4 samples tought and it sound really nice im really looking foward hearing more.
I recommend:

Vanden Plas - melodic prog that focuses on great keyboard work (though it doesn't overpower the guitar) and fantastic harmony vocals. This band has the total package. As Shaye would say.... "a perfect marriage of musicianship and songwriting."

Tad Morose - This band is pure oldschool style powermetal, and although not particularly elite as musicians (although you might find the percussion pretty close) but they are so good at what they do... you get carried away in the great songwriting skills and the vocalist is fantastic.

Firewind - "Forged by Fire" this has Chitral "Chity Lanka" Somapala on vocals and guitar guru Gus G on guitar. It's powermetal with 80's flair, but the combination of those two are incredible. Great powermetal.

Oldschool stuff....

Accept - 80's stuff. Don't let the gruff vocals of Udo keep you away from this band !! Since you seem to like instrumental stuff, you should appreciate Wolf Hoffmann's work (lead guitarist.) If they flew under your radar, try them out.

Powermad - "Absolute Power" They are a thrash band from the early 90's that due to the "fall of metal" disappeared, but that one full length release was incredible. What seperated them from other thrash bands was the high clear vocals on some stuff as opposed to the aggressive vocals (of the time) used by most thrash bands as well as the technical virtuosity of the band as a whole.

well i tryed a couple of bands and i like a lot of em so far.

Bozzio Levin and Stevens: nice suggestion! i like them a lot!

wastefall soulrain 21: nice!voice is bugging me sometime but still i think its a very good album.

fragile vastness:took me 2 listening to actualy start liking them but now i do.also a very nice suggestion thanks.

redemption:very good stuff in there i recommend it.

secret oyster:woot!that was good!old school funky/jazzy/metal..:rock:

35007 last album:nice stuff.if you like ambient metal you will like em.

allright now for the question! i have been looking on the laser edge for the 7 for 4 album yet i cannot find it.it says on thier official website that the album should be for sale here but yet i cant seem to find anything.so is the album available on laser edge or not?i really want thier album and id rather spend money here than somewhere else :P
may i ask you to post a reply when you get a hold of both 7 for 4 album?
that would be very nice cause i actualy need 2 copies of both album heh.i just cant wait! been listnening to thier demo too much.
Quick question here!.I recently bought fragile vastness(tribute to life).at first i tought it was nice but that was it.Then i started listening to the album again...and again...and again...ive been abusing the album a little too much. I completly fell in love with it.So i was wondering what to expect from thier other album (Excerpts).Any commentary would be nice.(can i expect the same greatness as a tribute to life?)

By the way thanks a lot to whoever suggested them to me :)
I trimed off some of the songs to make it a single disc and have been enjoying it a lot...

I'm also interested about the other disc by them. It seems as though they had a different singer....