I write and record oldschool death when I'm bored...

Vocals sound muddy and dark (as in lacking high end), could use some creative EQing at least. Not really liking the guitar tone either and I can't say it reminds me that much of the HM2, it sounds way more fizzy and lacks some of the punch, could just be the cab and micing I guess or excessive hp filtering. *shrug* The song itself does sound kinda funny though, it's like Bloodbath meets Deathklok.
Vocals sound muddy and dark (as in lacking high end), could use some creative EQing at least. Not really liking the guitar tone either and I can't say it reminds me that much of the HM2, it sounds way more fizzy and lacks some of the punch, could just be the cab and micing I guess or excessive hp filtering. *shrug* The song itself does sound kinda funny though, it's like Bloodbath meets Deathklok.

The "cab" is the Blackstar 1W combo, could have something to do with the lack of "punch" ;-)

I have most of my "good gear" down in the studio now so vox and guitar are miked with a Line Audio CM3 straight into my EMU interface.

I think I got the vibe that I wanted on the recording though, gonna track vocals for a second track tonight. Its my first time growling since 1995 =)

Thanks for listening!