IAMI and Arthemis in Sheffield last night


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I went along to the Corp in Sheffield last night with Rich to check out IAMI/Arthemis/Farhan

I have to say that Farhan weren't really my cup of tea....but Arthemis played a blinding set. Tight, powerful and with a great presence on stage...led as always by your friend and mine Mr Martongelli :) An additional suprise behind the drumkit was none other than Francesco Tresca :)

IAMI, despite having a few technical issues, also played a cool set which I thoroughly enjoyed. The real shame was that there were only 30-40 people in attendance......which is becoming an all too familiar sight these days.

Great to catch up with ZP properly......hadn't seen him for a couple of years so was good to have a chance for a properly chat. Obviously spent a bit of time hanging with the Arthemis guys as well.

Good to see our very own Kingface in attendance as well....nice to catch up sir!
Good to hear you enjoyed it Steve and was great to catch up with you and Rich!

You've pretty much summed up my thoughts of the night too in terms of the Bands and I was pleased to be able to chat to ZP and Andrea too, among others.

Overall, a great night!
Sounds like an awesome time! Is it safe to assume that you're a fan of I Am I in some way, then, Steve? ;) I'd love to be able to meet ZP one day, been a fan for almost a decade and still haven't had the opportunity! Hope I Am I hits the states soon...
This sounds like a blinding night...a veritable favorite metal people buffet! Way to make us all jealous guys. IAMI haven't shook my foundations but they're a decent listen, Arthemis all out ROCK hard. Must've been great to see Andrea & Francesco play again :headbang:
Sounds like an awesome time! Is it safe to assume that you're a fan of I Am I in some way, then, Steve? ;) I'd love to be able to meet ZP one day, been a fan for almost a decade and still haven't had the opportunity! Hope I Am I hits the states soon...

Funny you should say that because I'm pretty sure I heard ZP say to someone that they are looking into touring the States sometime next year. I may have heard incorrectly however.
Funny you should say that because I'm pretty sure I heard ZP say to someone that they are looking into touring the States sometime next year. I may have heard incorrectly however.

SWEET!! I hope it's true!