Ibanez SRX350 bass


Dec 20, 2010
Cork, Ireland
Has anyone had any experience with an Ibanez SRX360? Got an offer of a trade + cash for a guitar I have for sale, need a bass for recording and this seems like a pretty okay one for the money. It will pretty much be used exclusively for metal, and mostly just for recording.


EDIT - Put the wrong bass in the title, its a SRX360 I'm looking at.
I had the basswood version of this. Really nice bass actually but I'm not too fond of humbuckers on basses, so swapped it for a P-bass. I think the guy from Killswitch uses one.
Singlcoils are much brighter. I've never really liked humbuckers on basses, even on Stingrays and stuff. There's something kinda stiff sounding about them to me, something in the mids that I can't quite put my finger on.
Realised that every time I went "that's a killer bass tone!" it was always a p-bass, so I just went for that. Still fancy a 5 string jazz though!
I had been looking at picking up a jazz bass, but this offers suits me so I'll give it a shot anyway, and worst case scenario I can pick up something with singlecoils down the line.

Using a Crafter Junior bass at the moment for recording, so I assume this will be a considerable improvement haha
We have had that one in stock sometime I can't remember, but there's one now laying in the repair area with incredibly horrible fret buzz (probably due to idiot owner).

I really think that most of the Soundgear basses by Ibanez are pretty awesome! We have some nice ones with the active EQ mid freq shebang that are pretty sweet :)

Can't really say much about the tone, sorry :( Total bass noob here too!
Turned up for the trade, turned out to be a SRX500, basswood body with maple top vs. mahogany body. Supposed to be a bit brighter than the mahogany version, sounds good to my ears, far superior to what I was using, happy out with it!