Icarus Lives cover w/ AxeFX and RGD2127 with BKP


New Metal Member
Sep 21, 2004
HI there,

I recently got my pickups replaced on my Ibanez RGD2127z. I have now installed some Bare Knuckles and instantly was pleased with the results...
Still fiddling with the AxeFx to get that "Djenty" sound. Not quite what I want, but I'm getting closer....

I posted a short clip of the 1. minute or so from Icarus lives. Let me know what you think of the sound.
Here and there are some timing and tightness isues, so please ignore :loco:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8744388/Icarus test -new BKP 6.mp3

[new link]
hehe...I agree with the tightness, I mentioned this myself in the 1st post. This was done in a hurry solely focusing on the sound.
Currently I'm not 100% satisfied with the sound and therefore just doodling around ...
volume comes in mastering, you mixed this really hot so it sounds really distorted to me, work on that tone! doesnt sound like an axe fx though....
you're palm muting in a lot of the wrong parts, adding to the sound not being how you want it. you have to play like a drummer with this type of stuff, get the BOP BOP open string sound going.
I worked on the overall mix a bit more...I think I'm slowly getting there.

Please give me some more feedback of what you guys think. Updated the link in the first post
New mix sounds awesome. Guitars are still a bit sloppy. Are you tracking using a metronome? If so, crank it. Also, try muting the track(s) you're not currently recording so you can hear yourself better. :)