Iced Earth - Dystopia


Living Apple
Nov 19, 2009
Mon Valley, PA
So, after being utterly disappointed by Hammerfall, Within Temptation, and Symphony X and being pretty impressed with newcomers Hope for the Dying and MaYaN, we finally have a veteran metal band releasing a good album this year.

I, personally, don't think it will rival Theocracy for album of the year simply because Theocracy's music is much more grandiose and epic (and their lyrics are better....although that isn't knocking the lyrics here, they're actually quite good), however this is still possibly my favorite Iced Earth release, with "V" threatening to overtake "Ten Thousand Fists" as my favorite song.

Vocally, Stu (the new guy) is better than Barlow, and possibly as good (or, in a few years) even better than Ripper. I really dig the classic metal vocals he brings to Iced Earth, it goes well with the music.

The guitars are what you'd expect from Iced Earth - galloping rhythm guitars and classic power metal solos.

The only disappointment was the final track - it's a good track, but it isn't as epic as, say, the Civil War trilogy.
I really liked Within Temptation's new album, and Symphony X's took a few listens to appreciate, but it's great as well. I don't have an opinion for the other bands...

As for Dystopia, it also took several spins to get used to, but I was initially disappointed. I still don't really care for the lyrical topics, but the songs have grown on me, and some I pretend weren't on the album *cough*Days of Rage*cough*. Stu can blow both Ripper and Barlow out of the water (Ok, maybe not Barlow) , but all three have qualities that I love, and are awesome vocalists. Not sure if you were still talking about Iced Earth and Ten Thousand Fists was a typo, but that's still an awesome Disturbed song. I really like Tragedy and Triumph. It's not your typical Iced Earth epic closer, but it's still great.

Besides a few duds, the biggest disappointment for me is Troy Seele. I hate most of his leads, and he's definitely mastered the art of butchering old Iced Earth solos.
I'm getting Dystopia in the mail tomorrow. Looking forward to it! I haven't picked up The Unforgiving yet, so I can't comment on that one. Iconoclast is growing, but The Divine Wings of Tragedy will likely forever be my favorite Symphony X (followed closely by V).
I personally loved Iconoclast. It was very complex, which I like. Im going to check out dystopia

Honest opinion, I love Iconoclast for the same reason, but Dystopia.....the vocals....usually I can ignore it because i have with most death metal, etc......but they just.......they're not good imo.
Within Temptation... yes, disappointing. However, I loved Iconoclast! Its just straight out, well executed power metal.

Dystopia I found to be a very mixed bag. I really wanted to like it, but didn't and I can't quite figure out why. Its well done, Stu is a great vocalist, but it just never comes together for me as an album. It wants to be a concept album, but its not. Maybe that's what threw me about it.