Iced Earth forum


The Burninator
Apr 17, 2002
Palos Park, IL
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'd like to see an Iced Earth board in the unofficial forum section. I mean, they have become a pretty huge band even in the US. Anyone else agree to this?
Yeah IE should have a forum so mattias could fuck it up again

Note: another guitar player in iced earth kicked out ? what's the list of ex-members ? about 20 right ? i think john shafter is trying to outdo yngwie in who kicks out more members ... sad
A band I know kicked 374 members out over three years. Not sure why they got so many replacements, but that's a member less than every three days!
I would like an Iced Earth forum.
yeah, im not too fond of the official IE forum.

thats too bad to hear about larry, i was diggin the most recent line up. and losing their lead guitarist is a kick to the balls. but ya know, honestly, the constant lineup changes in IE dont bother me too much, it just blows because it'll probably delay the new album.
My old guitar teacher Chris used to teach Larry. I actually met Larry and got his autograph along with the rest of the band, and we were talking about Chris. It was pretty cool.

Anyway, it sucks that he left. Hopefully they find a good replacement for him.
I think Iced Earth as a whole is great. I mean, Richard Christy is a fucking brutal drummer, and I think Jon writes damn good lyrics. And I think Matt fits in perfectly there.