Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon

Heh, oddly enough, I did get a free copy of the disc. That said, having spun it a hell of a lot in the past week, I would not have been at all upset about paying for it.

I hated... hated, hated, hated The Glorious Burden, but Framing Armageddon is pretty damn good. It's not top-tier material for me, but considering I had all but left this band for dead after their last album, this album is quite impressive. It doesn't have the forced feel I picked up on with the previous disc, and Ripper sounds pretty damn incredible. I'm still a Barlow fanboy at heart, but I can genuinely say that I dig this new disc, and if it's an indication of where the band might be headed, I can see myself sticking around for a few albums more to hear how they step up their game over time.

Interesting. Considering your like of older IE probably rivals my own, I'll take your opinion to heart and I'll give some thought to getting a used copy.