Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon

Oogadee Boogadee

Division drummer
Jan 23, 2004
Baltimore, MD
If every track on here was as devastating as tracks 16 and 17 (The Domino Decree & Framing Armageddon), this would probably be one of my top favorite albums of all time. These are the two tracks where Ripper just unleashes some of the most ominous melodic singing I've ever heard, and the band actually plays a double-time beat (track 17).

That leads me to my only complaints - and they're small: the huge imbalance of rhythmic tempos (I feel like it's all half-time and mid-tempo), the excessive use infinitely-layered background singing (which is also pretty loud in the mix), and the fact that I have to max the bass in my stereo to add any meat to Schaffer's crisp, yet wispy guitar tone.

I've only given it one listen... but so far my first impression is that this is a super heavy version of Jag Panzer (esp Casting the Stone). The lack of Broderick's shredtastic leads is more than made up for with Ripper's killer vocals....

Those things i dont like about it are pretty subjective, and they're just answers to the question of "if you had to point out anything you didn't like, what would it be?"

This album still kills.

I hope Ripper finds a band that favors the style of those two tracks.... He'd be awesome in a band that blended Panzer, IE, and Nevermore.