Iced Earth Live Pics from NY

Very nice. I was at this show also last night and it was one of the best shows I have ever been to. I loved all three bands. Iced Earth were flawless. Can't wait till June 14 as they are coming back to the area and playing the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
It hasnt been added to the Starland website yet but Blabbermouth and Brave Words both have a second leg of tour dates posted. June 14 at Starland is one of them. I know Children Of Bodom wont be part of this leg because they have scheduled festivals to play in Europe. As for Evergrey I don't know. Starlands website may be waiting until openers are confirmed. It would make sense for them to tour with Primal Fear, Brainstorm, or Grave Digger since this second leg of the tour will be when these bands are playing Brave Words Six Pack Weekend in Cleveland. Rumor has it that Primal Fear may be part of the tour and it would make sense since they were gonna tour with them in Europe. If Grave Digger gets on the bill I will shit.