Iced Earth pushed back?

tedvanfrehley said:
Went to pick up the ep today and the guy told me that it was pushed back to November? Is this true or is he full of it?!?!?!
This complete bullshit. I have one in my hands, just picked it up at lunch! I also picked up the KID disc, it does come with a damn DVD!
Full review of both upcoming by "the Swine."
My King Diamond is on the way but The End hasn't shipped the Iced Earth one yet. No matter, really. I have to go to New York for three days so they should be here when I return. Damn job keeps me from lurking at the mailbox...
The King Diamond DVD is great. I was watching it last night, while the old lady was reading fucking book... She just about freaked out when she saw what I was watching. She said something like "is this satanic?" Ruined her reading time... Oh well, she'll live.
Well, after seeing King Diamond in the new REVOLVER without the makeup and talking about his favorite car...his CORVETTE, I have determined that he is just another redneck. (Like myself! haha) I mean no disrespect and I know he's Danish but you can't tell me that anyone sporting a mullett and a mustache who's dream car is a Vette is not just another good ol' boy at heart. I'm not as scared of the King as I used to be. And that's another thing..."the King"...could he be an Elvis fan? I'm sure he loves his mama too!

Just goes to show that it's all just rocknroll!!!!!!!
You have the limited edition. That's the same one I got. Anyway, I finally got it today and have VERY high hopes for The Glorious Burden. I think it will far surpass Horror Show. Only four tracks was a nasty little teaser, though. Even my girlfriend (who like rap) was asking who it was because she liked it a lot. I'm not too sure if that's a good sign or not...
Psychonaut said:
You have the limited edition. That's the same one I got. Anyway, I finally got it today and have VERY high hopes for The Glorious Burden. I think it will far surpass Horror Show. Only four tracks was a nasty little teaser, though. Even my girlfriend (who like rap) was asking who it was because she liked it a lot. I'm not too sure if that's a good sign or not...
This just proves that Jon's plan to get Ripper was a good move. They'll reach a different audience.