ICED EARTH Singer TIM 'RIPPER' OWENS On Illegal Music Downloading+ solo cd


I have it, and I could upload it, but I don't feel like it. I am working on uploading some Nevermore bootlegs though. I'll post those when they're done.
I've never had a problem with it before. Most bands don't usually care anyway. It's not like it's official recordings you can buy in stores. If the band does have a problem with it, then cool. But I've seen boots posted on here in the past.
on the down loading....a recent study in canada shows that downloading is actually helping the artists record sales. If ppl realize they like the shit, after they DL it, then they buy it. If they dont like it, they delet the mp3.

And Owens is a fag. Jon converted him, his wife now knows and they are in the middle of a divorce....

DEATHSTRIKE FROM HELL>>>Yeah, she beat me here. Im still on the same session you know, ive not left yet. Plus, Owens is just one of Jons lap dogs, Jon is the real poser. A few yrs from now, when Owens figures out on his own that all his friends were right about Jon, well, Timmie will leave IE and be forever ashamed of his trek into the dark world of Jon sticking his ass.

What do you bet, when Timmy leaves the band, Jon will tell every interviewer that he had to train Owens vocally. He'll say Owens was like a dull pencil and he had to sharpen him up a bit. Then jon will curse and call him names.
I've never had a problem with it before. Most bands don't usually care anyway. It's not like it's official recordings you can buy in stores. If the band does have a problem with it, then cool. But I've seen boots posted on here in the past.

Youve not been around long enough now have you.

Ppl have been told many times in the past not to even talk about down loading here.

Then again, ppl have gotten by with it. BUt you cant say there is no problem with doing it here.

so, you got a 50/50 chance.