Iced Earth singers

NeverEarth X

Aug 1, 2006
Roanoke Virginia
This is my own opnion and dont get me wrong i love Matt Barlow and have been a big Iced Earth fan since 1996 but i actually like Ripper's voice a lot better.

Let the NeverEarth bashing begin.....
actually, i know of quite a few people here that have publicly stated their fondness of Discovery and its sub-channels.

AND, I know of MANY people here that have publicly stated their lack of fondness for Ripper in IE. Ripper was good in Judas Priest, yes. Jugulator is amazing.... BUT, he SUCKS in Iced Earth.
I think he's very good in Iced Earth and probably the only guy to fill Barlow's shoes, although he'll never be as good. But then again, no one will; the guy's my favorite singer ever. I'm INCREDIBLY pissed that I will never get to see him live.
Damn guys, come on. "Ripper" had tough shoes to fill in Priest and did a damn good job. As for Iced Earth, I like Barlow. "Ripper" did his thing in Ice Earth just like Gary Cherone did in Van Halen and John Carobi in Motley Crue. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. that doesn't meean Tim "Ripper" Owens sucks by anymeans. Anyway, we all need to check out his newest band BEYOND FEAR.