Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer's new solo project - Sons of Liberty

I'm actually very excited to hear Jon's new material.

I'll never forget the weekend Elisabeth and I spent with Jon and Wendi at their home. Talking to him there (and in the weeks before and after) left me with one very clear opinion: The man loves America, the Constitution, the military, and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. Even if I failed to pick up on that talking to him, everything in his house attested to it. All I had to do was look around. I've never seen someone - especially a heavy-metal musician - with such profound knowledge of and love for America.

Iced Earth has skirted the edges of Jon's patriotism over the years, from Civil War-themed albums to Matt running on stage waving the American flag. But Jon's Sons of Liberty project appears to represent the clearest expression yet of what Jon's believes, what he holds nearest and dearest to his heart. Say what you will about Jon Schaffer. He's not afraid to be his own man.

We live in exciting times in America. The stakes have never been higher. And we have never been more polarized.

So Jon's new album is sure to raise the hackles of some, and please the hell out of others. Either way, given what appears to be a political alignment with Alex Jones, Jon's music - as well as that of Iced Earth - will get exposed to a much wider audience than ever before.

This promises to be an interesting time for Jon, for Iced Earth, and for fans of both.

I say bring it on, Jon! Let's see what's on your mind.


Agreed. Tim was way better live in support of Glorious Burden than Matt was on the last tour.


I find it funny you say that as the main reason Jon listed as firing Tim was that he wasn't into the live performance. haha. I unfortunately never saw Iced Earth with Tim, which pisses me off to this day. I know when I saw him with Yngwie he was incredible and I've said all along that Barlow isn't in the same league with Ripper. Nice guy and good singer but I find Ripper to be one of the top 5-10 singers period.

I like Iced Earth but Jon's a douche. The real reason it seems is that Tim just wasn't into that Something Wicked story, which I can't say I blame him for and Jon didn't like that. Iced Earth needs to go back and do conceptual themed albums, but not story-based concept albums.
I like Iced Earth but Jon's a douche.

I'm sorry I'm going to have to step in and say you've obviously never had a conversation with Jon or met him or else you likely wouldn't be saying this. Jon is a pure businessman when it comes to music, just because he does business the way he does, doesn't make him a 'douche'. Maybe poor business ethics on his part depending on how you look at it, but Jon himself is a cool and very down to earth fellow. One of the nicest musicians I've had the opportunity to speak with.

That aside, I'm actually looking forward to see what he's come up with on this project. No matter the lyrical aspect of it.
I love Alex Jones website it's the only place to get the real news, that and Coast to Coast A.M with George Noory, anyway, now im very interested in this project, im not a fan of demons and wizards, or iced earth, but this sound like something different, and good, can't wait to hear it.
I'm sorry I'm going to have to step in and say you've obviously never had a conversation with Jon or met him or else you likely wouldn't be saying this. Jon is a pure businessman when it comes to music, just because he does business the way he does, doesn't make him a 'douche'. Maybe poor business ethics on his part depending on how you look at it, but Jon himself is a cool and very down to earth fellow. One of the nicest musicians I've had the opportunity to speak with.

I agree here completely, and my opinion is based on more than just a little 30 second conversation or something while getting something signed. I have interviewed him extensively after the release of Demons And Wizards 2, taken him to see a movie with the rest of the band, and met him quite a few times at various shows and such. He is always a pleasure to speak to, speaks his mind, and is a true patriot. I wish more people had his attitude honestly, the world would be a far better place.
Hmz, after one listen (someone on another board posted an advance link), Sons Of Liberty just isn't my cup o' tea...not bad, but quite boring and simplistic compared to Iced Earth or Demons & Wizards material. With that said, Jon has a message for you all...

I really like the two samples that I have heard so far, definitely not Iced Earth, but very, very good in it's own right. If you don't like Alex Jone's message, or subscribe to any of those alternate beliefs (I do believe in a lot of this, as I have seen plenty of evidence to suggest that many of these things are true) then you will NOT like this. Jon was quite right though when he said it isn't political in any sense, at least on the two songs I've heard. He is pissed off and you can tell from his writing and his vocals (yes, he sings, and it's pretty damn good). I'm really, really digging it.
Wow, just had a nice surprise, I am a member of the IE fan club and we got a link today to the full album before it is released tomorrow. I just found the link and downloaded it. It's very, very good. I have nothing but respect and admiration for him now, even more so than before.
I love me some right-wing political lyrics, and in the end I'll judge it primarily as music. But I won't have much use for conspiracy-mongering lyrics. Hopefully Schaffer can keep it high-minded. Perhaps a metal tribute to Milton Friedman? A song about the "Road to Serfdom?" perhaps a cover of Rush's "The Trees"? Maybe a song promoting the virtues of free trade and balanced budgets?
I love me some right-wing political lyrics, and in the end I'll judge it primarily as music. But I won't have much use for conspiracy-mongering lyrics. Hopefully Schaffer can keep it high-minded. Perhaps a metal tribute to Milton Friedman? A song about the "Road to Serfdom?" perhaps a cover of Rush's "The Trees"? Maybe a song promoting the virtues of free trade and balanced budgets?

See, this is what bugs me. What makes it a conspiracy? Just the simple fact that the theories involved are not in line with the "normal" way of thinking? I hate how these ideas and such are automatically discredited or tossed away simply based on the fact that they are branded as "conspiracy theories". Ignorance at it's best. I'm not trying to single you out personally, just an observation I have been making throughout this thread.
I just listened to Jon's solo album and browsed his Sons of Liberty web site.

Folks, this is the most honest, raw, and real Jon Schaffer has ever been. If you ever wanted to know who Jon Schaffer is and what he really believes, Sons of Liberty is the answer.

I like the music. It's not as balls-to-the-wall as Iced Earth. But it's definitely metal and it's undoubtedly Jon Schaffer. Lyrically, it's very reality-based.

This thread is liable to get extremely political at this point. So it may be wise to (a) remember to keep it nice when you post, and/or (b) take the discussion to the Lounge.

All I can say is way to go, Jon! You've just made the album you've wanted to make for years.

See, this is what bugs me. What makes it a conspiracy?
They're called conspiracy, because what ultimately underlies the theory is the idea that people are conspiring. For instance, when someone suggests that the official story is untrue, he's theorizing that a group of people conspired together to carry out events and hide the truth.

Just the simple fact that the theories involved are not in line with the "normal" way of thinking? I hate how these ideas and such are automatically discredited or tossed away simply based on the fact that they are branded as "conspiracy theories". Ignorance at it's best.
Conspiracy theories clearly have an intriguing appeal for some. From my perspective, these theories are built upon confirmation bias, circular reasoning and the avoidance of cognitive dissonance. Eventually, they're cemented by communal reinforcement. Everything about how conspiracy theories are constructed runs counter to the scientific method. I suspect it's this latter reason which explains why they're often dismissed out of hand. Unfortunately, the dismissal tends only to reinforce the theory, since those doing the dismissing are typically at the heart of the conspiracy. I also suspect the reason these theories are dismissed, is because of their source. If it's the same guy whose put forth a dozen other conspiracies, which aren't held to be valid, why would anyone believe #13?

All the criticisms of Schaffer regarding his political views are somewhat off-base. The subject matter of these songs I have heard so far are much less "extreme" than what Jones usually rants about on a day-to-day basis. Now, the new Megadeth album on the hand was named after an Alex Jones film and contained ideas and messages pulled straight from Jones and others in his end of what we once called the 'patriot movement'. I find Jones to be a clown and sort of a political "shock jock" even though he does manage to bring attention to real issues and current events that are purposefully suppressed by mainstream media outlets. Unfortunately, these things are thrown in side by side with his rants that sound like professional wrestler talking smack before a show, and absolute bunk from people like David Icke. What is funny is that it still makes infowars more worthwhile than FOX News and most other media outlets.

Schaffer has put political messages in his music from time to time, so it isn't like this projectof his should be so shocking. I mean, I don't find it as bad as "When the Eagle Cries" or naming a song "A Charge to Keep" - the latter being apparently named in recognition of George W Bush. I'm personally glad to see he's losing some of his previous neo-con leanings and coming around to the Constitutional view of limited government, no central banks, no economic or military imperialism, etc. That a man who once sang the praises of Dubya is now recommending people to Ron Paul warms my gun-toting, rebel heart.

I'd like to see the next IE disc consist of 10 or 11 ripping tunes .. outside the constaints of a concept.

Me too.

Interesting, of the people that actually heard it, a couple were "meh" and a few were highly complimentary (though it should be noted, they seem to have had a lot of personal contact with Jon which may influence opinion. Sorry, but that tends to be true.) All the real negativity seems to be from people who haven't heard it and most seem to be politically biased against it. Interesting.

I just want to hear the damn thing and decide for myself. Guess I'll have to scout around for a link...later.
See, this is what bugs me. What makes it a conspiracy? Just the simple fact that the theories involved are not in line with the "normal" way of thinking? I hate how these ideas and such are automatically discredited or tossed away simply based on the fact that they are branded as "conspiracy theories". Ignorance at it's best. I'm not trying to single you out personally, just an observation I have been making throughout this thread.

My issue is that they often concentrate on the wrong things. While Schaffer is worried about Bilderbergers and the Fed, he's missing the fact that Congress is spending us into bankruptcy right under our noses, in plain site. First you deal with the problems that are out in the open, then when those are solved you can worry about what is hidden. It's like worrying about alien abductions while your house is on fire.