Iced "fuckin" Earth shoot video


I usually never pick up Metal Edge anymore. It's nothing more than a NUMETAL mag like most of the others. I had to pick up a copy tonight.
On the cover Damageplan & inside a write up on Iced Earth's video shoot for The Reckoning!!!!! Can't wait to see what they come up with. It's great to see these underground bands getting the funds to make videos. With mtv2 & fuse supporting metal & hard rock, this will be the record that "breaks" the band. :p
I personally think this album will be my least favorite. I love Iced Earth, met em a bunch of times and I love the music. But I still say Owens is NOT the singer for them.
sixxswine said:
Why is Owens not "the right" singer?! Matt sounded very generic at times & had very little range. Owens is a great fit.

I'm inclined to Agree with you Sixx, Granted I was a fan of Barlow but he was only so good I think Ripper will add a whole new element to IE that they may have been missing ..... And I know alot of ppl like to trash Ripper and ripper era priest,Sure the 2 studio albums were not that great but the fukin kid has it live and he will breath new life into a stagnant Iced Earth :loco: