I'd love your help adjusting the mix here. (7321, EMG 707, Metal Foundry)


Jan 19, 2010

(hopefully that dropbox link is working)

this Track is the first new song my band has done in a long time due to my other projects bleeding my mojo dry.

In my opinion, my mix isn't bad, but I know it can be just that much better.

please guys, tear it apart, I want to get better.

and if you'd like, feel free to comment on the tune. vocals will be coming eventually.

oh, let me go through everything to see if i can help you guys out in your critique:

Line 6 Toneport UX8 ( the EMG battery was dying so it might sound a little weak, I plan to re-record everything)
the bass was pitch-shifted guitar.

thanks for checking it and if you need more info let me know :)
you've done alright for a pitch shifted bass, given the already low tuning.

guitar tone is alright, although it lacks clarity somewhat, i think.

your drum mix is pretty good, first time i've heard a song done with pure MF. i like the kick, and the snare is pretty good.

guitars are woefully un-tight! and that the first riff after the intro is either too long, or dying for vocals, too.

UX8 users represent! :D

thanks for all the feedback dude!

and I'm gonna work on it, this was written cloudkicker-style (come up with a riff and just write as i record)

so I'm gonna make everything tighter soon. i gotta take the time to re-practice.

I've just ordered a 6 string bass today so hopefully by at least wednesday i can update this track with some better sounds.

The vocals will come soon, and it's probably too long AND needs vocals. haha

like i said, I'll get to work on them.

is there anything else you'd like to point out? I really appreciate it!
The mix isn't bad, but as was said, the playing could be tighter. Snare's a bit loud in my opinion, but I really like the song, especially the way it kicks in at the beginning, that was sick.
i think the snares ok where it's at, as far as mix presence. sounds pretty good, a real bass would help dramatically. and after you mentioning the weak battery now i feel like it's really apparent, but...you knew that. lower the velocities for the snare hits on that blast part
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4840052/Grounded wires full band with bass.mp3

updated mix.

our drummer changed a few parts to better suit his playing style,

and we have tighter tracking, adjusted ection length and


let's hope real bass is a little better. it's a 4 string with crazy thick gauges in Ab

but it can;t hurt.

our bassist showed some real chops on the "3s on the snare part" the section keeps up with the guitars and is actually slap/popped.
Bass is really loud + personally I don't like that kind of kicks, sounds really weak.
Also the bass pops out strange soundswise sometimes. like only noise from picking coming through.
that's weird because the bass isn't being picked at all.

how does the kick sound weak? please explain, because it sounds fine through my monitors and even overpowers my headphones.

the bass i can work on. what would you recommend I do?

also, I know the bass isn't stellar, his bass has a ridiculously low action and he REFUSES to raise it.
Also when you're playing with fingers you are picking the strings. I wasn't sure a 100% if it was fingered or not, thats why I wrote picking.

The kick sounds weak because it doesn't sound good to me, also it's not always audible. But I never was that much into that kind of kicks.
Maybe you want to compress the Bass some more, and tame the highmids and highs with an EQ.