Idea I've been tossing around (Soundtrack Rhythmic stuff) -- Drumagog on Guitars!!

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So.. I love metal and I love soundtracks and ambient stuff so I've been trying to find a way to combine them - and not just be a Nightwish or whatever ripoff.

Anyway, mocked this up last night. The actual soundtrack isn't mine.. its off the Tomb Raider soundtrack, cos I just wanted to see how this'd sound. Now I don't play guitar. So I ripped some palm mutes from a DI track (which happened to be in the right key, G I think?), Drumagog'd them along with an amp sim. Unfortunately this meant I had only 1 note to work with ;p
Bass is some synth, drums are rough as hell too, my cymbal samples, Sneap + IF snare.

Its pumping and distorting a little, but the mix isn't my main concern right now (although comments are welcome - I think the drums sound pretty huge). Djent 1.mp3
what exactly is the drumagog doing in this mix? is it triggering the kick?

btw killer kick drum what sample is that?
Your drums are quite heavy and got enough reverb (that's a bit rare in these metal forums) ! Drumagogging your guitars is interesting idea and it sounds quite good (allthought there's only one note and I'm not sure about it :lol:).
So not bad at all but you really got to get some orchesra synth with ya if you gonna make more this kind of stuff.
Tones and mix are great!