Ideas for ProgPower to MAKE money and stay alive...

Static Acts

Apr 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
You know what would be a cool idea to help raise money for ProgPower?

It would be awesome if Glenn could partner up with a CD retailer (LaserCD, The End, etc) to sell bundled sets of CDs containing bands that will be at PPIII. It would be awesome to be able to get all of the newest CDs of the PP bands in one package! You know, sort of a ProgPower Box Set.

If somehow it could be made so that ProgPower would receive the profit, it would be a very beneficial money maker and help keep the project alive!

Just an idea that I had as I got to thinking about how far behind I am on my CD purchases!

Do you guys have any other ideas?
Good idea!

Perhaps though if you could choose one CD from each band and make your own custom bundle? That way, you don't have to buy a bundle which might contain a CD you already own. :)

I'm also planning on buying shitloads of CDs at ProgPower. :)
Yeah, that's a good idea too! I would like to get the bulk of my discs before getting to ProgPower. It's not like they really knock anything off of the price at the show (that I noticed), and I don't want to be carrying around discs while at the concert.

Actually, I intentionally put off buying discs until the very end because I did not want to carry them around. Once Kamelot came on, everyone closed shop. I lost out on that!

Will vendors be at the warm-up party??

Anyway, a ProgPower Box Set would be awesome! What would be even better is if Glenn could get the bands to agree to release ProgPower Live CDs. I would buy them, and I would pay market would be worth it. I was there, and I can relive that night anytime I want! What do ya say, Glenn?? :)

I think ProgPower has really helped to solidify the underground music scene. I think of ProgPower as more of a family reunion than a concert. It is such a pleasure being around like-minded people.


Thanks for the kind words. I also appreciate the thoughts on the financial aspect. I will simply tell you that based on the hype this year, I fully expect a sell-out. If that happens, then I will be just fine and it will ensure PP for several more years to come.


Would you consider a ProgPower Live CD set? I know that you would probably have to compensate the bands and labels involved, but it would serve as a living legacy of all the ProgPower shows.

If not a full set, at least a single CD with selected songs of all the bands. I think it would be a big hit...I would certainly buy it!

Great job on PP this year...this will be the best one yet! Please keep it in Atlanta...Earthlink Live is an awesome venue! Who may move into the Fox someday! :)


Originally posted by Harvester
Thanks for the kind words. I also appreciate the thoughts on the financial aspect. I will simply tell you that based on the hype this year, I fully expect a sell-out. If that happens, then I will be just fine and it will ensure PP for several more years to come.


Good for you Glenn - well deserved. Can't wait for the t-shirt! Any design ideas for this one? :grin: