IE Shoots Timeless Winter Video


"INTO ETERNITY just shot a new conceptual video for the track "Timeless Winter" with up-and-coming director Don Thompson, and its stunning imagery is sure to help it stand apart from the pack. Expect a spring premiere. "

""Even though the tour ended in L.A., our work was not yet over. We spent the whole next day shooting our new video for 'Timeless Winter', and we ended up filming over seven hours of performance footage, along with a few hours for the conceptual segments. There was snow everywhere by the end of the shoot. Steve's drums had an inch on them by the time we were done. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see the final product. Now the band will be taking a week off before heading back to our jam spot to get ready for the Metal for the Masses tour. This will be the metal tour to see this year, without a doubt. This will also mark the second tour with our new members Steve and Justin who proved just how talented they are on the DESTRUCTION tour. This is the tightest INTO ETERNITY lineup yet! We can't wait to see you all on the road.?"

Full story here (also on blabbermouth)