If Behemoth and Napalm Death had a love child...

Great mix once again Dave! you have such a great guitar tone going on over there, no matter what mix i put on i keep hearing CRUSHING guitar tones.. love it.
I think (i should not be the one saying this btw) that the snare on the blastbeat parts is a bit too robotic.. small detail, most metal fans could care less, but that's all i can think of really...
Great mix once again Dave! you have such a great guitar tone going on over there, no matter what mix i put on i keep hearing CRUSHING guitar tones.. love it.
I think (i should not be the one saying this btw) that the snare on the blastbeat parts is a bit too robotic.. small detail, most metal fans could care less, but that's all i can think of really...

Thanks man! Yea, I can see that about the snare. I could have gone either way with it. I decided to go for the "Yea I sampled replaced the whole kit and who fucking cares?!" attitude. :lol:

Actually, if I would have had more time with the mix, I would have worked on snare tone and dynamics a little more.

Thanks for the comment!
Wow! Great mix. As someone said it feels really open.
Love the guitartone and bass. The snare is cool to, althought kind of robotic at times.

The band is very good aswell.
DAW: Nuendo 3 (I bought the 4 upgrade when it came out and just haven't moved over yet :erk:)

Interface: Presonus FireStudio which I would not recommend as it is a huge steaming pile of shit. I've been wanting to upgrade for a while now. Thinking about either a SSL Alphalink setup or an Mackie Onyx 1200F.

Pres: Most of the time I just use the Crane Song Spider for pres and conversion. I have a few SCA preamp modules that I'll use sometimes. I believe for this project everything was Spider except for vocals where I used a N72 module.

What don't you like about the Firestudio?
Pretty much horrible driver design. My DAW was much more efficient with my older firepods. It doesn't sound terrible but I use the spider for most things anyways. Its pretty much always causing me a headache. Every "driver update" just maks things worth. I could go on and on...
Mesa 3ch DR (Red ch, tube rectos) > Mesa oversized

Bass is actually all Sansamp. Ran it through once clean and again with a distortion pedal and blended in the mix.

Drums are all various samples from my collection. A free :headbang: to whoever can guess the tom samples.

Badass mix for sure, dude! As for toms...DFHS Premier toms?
Pretty much horrible driver design. My DAW was much more efficient with my older firepods. It doesn't sound terrible but I use the spider for most things anyways. Its pretty much always causing me a headache. Every "driver update" just maks things worth. I could go on and on...


But, don't you have to use the FS to get the Cranesong's output into the DAW?

(I'm assuming you use the I/O of the FS to do this?)

But, don't you have to use the FS to get the Cranesong's output into the DAW?

(I'm assuming you use the I/O of the FS to do this?)

Yep, it's really the only reason I went for the Firestudio, the ADAT inputs. I'm guessing one of the problems is with all it's routing capability I'm assuming it doesn't have much or any on board processing, so it's passing it on the the host computer. It's just fucking up the overhead on the firewire buss and everything in general. Again, none of that is based on fact. I'm just trying to rationalize why this thing is such a piece of crap.
Yep, it's really the only reason I went for the Firestudio, the ADAT inputs. I'm guessing one of the problems is with all it's routing capability I'm assuming it doesn't have much or any on board processing, so it's passing it on the the host computer. It's just fucking up the overhead on the firewire buss and everything in general. Again, none of that is based on fact. I'm just trying to rationalize why this thing is such a piece of crap.


I still have a couple Firepod's and they've been solid. A few dudes I know who have FS's have similar complaints to yours, though.
Like someone's already said, the snare / kick does feel really replaced.. and I prefer to have a little more cymbal action - but for the genre,.. it's good work.

Great guitar sound too.