If Black Dahlia Murder and At The Gates had offspring...

The drums seem very machine-like, I would suggest looking for some multisamples.
The guitars and the riffs sound very TBDM, so good job with that! (The lead sounds a tad dark tho.)
That would be incest :lol:

Sounds cool dude, although a lot of the riffs and structure is VERY VERY VERY close to the song Miasma...

:heh: yes, exactly...same miasma riffs and structure with a little little modification.
drums sound a lot programmed, try with new sounds for your drums and multisamples too (humanize).
The snare is getting buried now and so is the kick. I'd switch samples on those. Guitars sound pretty good. Also the drums still sound programmed. Try editing the velocities on the hits, and use multiple samples on the drums as well.
ok I redid the drums and added more velocity and multiple samples is it better now also I changed the eq on the guitars a bit, wich sound better????