If Borknagar needed a new vocalist...


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2001
Espoo, Finland
Here's a hypothetical situation:
Vintersorg has just left Borknagar to join Yngwie Malmsteen's band.
Garm won't return unless he can add hip-hop beats.
Simen won't leave the Borgir family.

Who would you choose as the new Borknagar vocalist, with all previous ones unavailable?
Well hopefully Yngwie would let Vintersorg write the lyrics, that would rule!

(I love Yngwie, but really, he wrecks so many songs with his words, most of my favourite songs by him were co-written by the vocalists ;))

Umm, they should get, ummm....... Isahan? (well, he's a decent enough singer though not really the voice for Borkie ;)). I do not know. Whoever Arcturus has replaced Garm with must be a good singer, get him :D
I would go for Tarja Turunen.
It would ruin Borknagar perfectly.
Their satanic blakmetal image would be disgraced.
The Label could pay her opetaration which contains surgigalknife and 30 kg of silicon implants.
Then the line-up would be:
Few ugly guys with long hair and one very busty gothic-like sjungare.
Little boys and girls would be wet all nite long.

NF: Wacky.
NP: Satyricon - Mother North
Can you sleep when your balls are on fire?
Man, I don't know. I don't know too many others besides all of the Borkies previous and currents singers that do both clean and harsh so well and so fitting....For clean Lars Eric Si maybe? Very thought provoking thread;)
Originally posted by Mocika
this thread made me wonder.. who would Andy Winter sound in Borknagar..
He plays piano for Winds. Lars Eric Si sings. But you could be refering to a different band that I don't know about and he sings in it. If so tell me about this band!

And Parasite, I love your new avi!:lol: I have a friend that used to fly the C-130 except his was full size.;)

EDIT: Now that I read your quote again, are you asking how he would sound as the keyboard player?:)
Originally posted by FailingAcension
He plays piano for Winds. Lars Eric Si sings. But you could be refering to a different band that I don't know about and he sings in it. If so tell me about this band!
hehe... i dont know why i changed their names... :confused: