if i haven't said it before


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i fucking love the weather right now. i can't wait for the Fall.

also speaking of weather here's an actual conversation i had with the admin at my office.

Admin: So Greg, the weather is supposed to be cold for the next two weeks or so.
Me: Yay! i love the fall-like weather!
Admin: No! Un-Yay! cold weather sucks!
I suspect azal, having lost his English from his time in Ethniklashistan, is confused as to the meanings of "yay" and "un-yay" from the very beginning of this thread.
true, but the thing I regret the most is that my ebonics will be so poor that in 6 months time I will not be able to understand a single word of the latest rap record.

*single tear*