If Alice In Chains had played doom metal...

...they would have sounded a whole hell of a lot like Acid Bath. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either of their releases. This sludgy gunge/stoner/southern-doom is absolutely perfect for hot weather; like John Chedsey says: "Acid Bath's aural experience is akin to placing your head in a bucket of tar and inhaling deeply."

I know a lot of people here love 'em. Fuck, even J. and Jaykeeley are fans. How often does THAT combination come about? If you haven't heard the band, I suggest hunting down either of their albums: "When the Kite String Pops" and "Paegan Terrorism Tactics". NAD and Nate, please tell me you have heard Acid Bath.

Are there any other bands similar to AB? I don't want to get into another stoner-doom conversation, though... :hypno:

We're leaving to go see Yes (front row) in less than an hour. How much does THAT rule?:Spin:
This thread gave me a semi. Why have I not heard Acid Bath up to this point?!

I love the smell of tar!!!
I told y'all Acid Bath rules. For some reason I prefer When the Kite String Pops (I loooooooove the first song).

BWD, you might want to check out Agents of Oblivion, which has Dax Riggs (AB vocalist) on vocals and guitar I think. Though it isn't as good as either AB album IMO, it's pretty good for a night of chillin' with the buds. Imagine an album ful of AB's softer songs and you have AoO.

Also check into Deadboy and the ELephantmen. I think this one has Dax Riggs as well. I haven't heard them, but rumors say they rock.

Some AB members went onto the US black metal band Goatwhore.
I am an Acid Bath fanatic. I own the albums, the DVD, Agents of Oblivion, Deadboy and The Elephantmen, and some misc. weird shit that Dax did. They seriously blow most bands out of the fucking water imho. It's nearly impossible to think of any band that resembles Acid Bath at all. I would also recommend Agents of Oblivion. Like J. said, it is an album full songs in the same vein as Acid Bath's slower songs (Graveflower, Scream of The Butterfly, Dead Girl, which they do a remake of)...at least thats what it sounds like.

As far as Deadboy and The Elephantmen, it is quite gothy and hard to get into. It is pretty good but nowhere close to Acid Bath or even AoO.

NAD, you need to get both Acid Bath full-length albums or take a bat to the groin!!

I wish I was going to see YES. :bah:
I added both albums to my not very large list, don't worry. I'll probably start with just one though, whichever I can find from whomever I order my crap from.
BenMech said:
I'm glad to have told J-Lord to get into AB.

The only thing I'm missing is the Radio Edits disc that goes with Kite String.

BSW - if you have a way to hook me up, I'd love to hear the random Dax crap you mentioned, aside from Agents and Deadboy.

- Ben
Sure man. Just drop me a pm. I got Dax feat. Primo - Electric Comoland (name of a studio in Louisiana), which is all acoustic songs, like Dead Girl on PTT. Also, I got the random shit which is a bunch of live shit that I have no idea where its from or what band he is playing with. And some tracks off of Skeletal Circus Derails where he does an acoustic Zeppelin cover of Wander The Day Away. I dunno, bunch of shit, contact me...I still have to get a lil more actually.