If I recall properly, weren't there going to be some tabs done?

aha, appears as though there are tabs for "Not the Strong", "Lost in a Day", and "Dark Fields for Brilliance" on the site. nifty. any plans for more? *cough*Harmony Divine*cough*
There are plans for making tabs, it is just a matter of finding time for Larry and I to do them. I was thinking of maybe doing some kind of webcam thing where we can show you how we play the songs. In the meantime our tuning is low to high Bb, F, Bb, Eb, G, C. It's always more rewarding trying to figure songs out by ear.
Yes, that's the tuning we've used since at least "Of Sculptured Ivy...". Some of the chords we use are a bit odd so it might be hard figuring them out exactly. But if anyone wants a crack at trying to transcribe our stuff on here, go for it. I'll be happy to check it out and help correct things that aren't right.

Is there a cheap and easy program I can get nowadays to do guitar tabs for us? One of the reasons I haven't been able to do it is because the old way was just so time consuming and difficult.
I remember Jeff letting me play his guitar a little bit while hanging on the bus with them back when they were touring with Opeth. I dig his guitars, I'm curious to know how that new signature model feels.
I have the trial version of powertab, it rules. I can't save more than like 8 measures or something though. I have a program called Guitar Finale which is great, I just need to learn how to use it haha.

If there are any Northwest Chicago suburb people here, I might be doing home lessons starting at the end of this summer. If anybody is interested, they can drop me a private message.
How does this shit work?

You gotta excuse me, I am not very computer literate and MIDI means about as much to me as Swahili. lol

I ask too because depending on how easy it is to use and how reliable it is, I might actually consider purchasing this.
very easy! you put the tabs in, set the proper duration (quarter, eighth, sixteenth, dotted half, whatever you want is in the program), time signature, tempo, and bam. you can listen to it as you go so you can make sure it sounds right. you hit File/Export/Midi, and ANYONE'S computer can play it.