If I started a fund to get Esoteric to play the US

Can we play Capture the Flag with them too? I'd go then. I like Boston. Last year at the New England fest (2001) after we played, me and my girlfriend stayed in town and did the tourist thing. It was Easter weekend, and we went downtown on Monday to see the Cheers bar and all the Huxtible looking houses in the area. Little did we realize the Boston Marathon was that day. I met Steven Wright though. He was wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses, but I knew it was him. Sam Adams was closed. I cried.

This yr we did the Cape Cod tourist thing. Nice beaches out there. Purty. It was all practically closed though- Martha's Vineyard had hardly anything open, and it rained. We went whale watching and froze our nipples off.
dude i will shoot an email over to the guys in esoteric this instant and ask them if they'd play capture the frag with us.

ok, i'm not going to. but maybe if i get on the computer while drunk one of these days, that might come to fruition.
Tell Esoteric that they can SAVE BIG on airfare if they act as couriers for important documents, or via Priceline.com (I can pick them up at the airport at 4:00am and they can all squeeze in the backseat of the Mirage), or by pretending to be hot teenage girls and having a portly man send them tickets to visit him. Sure, it's a little undignified, but it's DIY!
Hey, wasn't Uncle Ted talking about trying to book a show in the Boston area around Halloween this year with a bunch of the Dark Symphonies bands? Maybe that'd be a good time for this... I think he had another band in mind to try and bring over from England for it too, but I may be mistaken.
is that still happening? I remember what you're talking about, but I haven't heard anything about it in a year.

Thing is, if Esoteric came over I would want to have it as a pure DIY show, and not have any of the palladium bullshit involved. I think it would end up being a much, much better show without having to have tickets or bouncers, label affilation, or any of that crapola. Basically I wouldn't want anybody to fuck it up.
Yeah, I never heard anything else about that DS show- in fact now that I think about it, I believe you're right & it was supposed to be last Halloween.

There's a fun club here in Chicago called The Fireside Bowl- it's an old bowling alley with the lanes all construction taped off, and the stage has wood panelling all around it. There's a pretty big bar area in front. Lots of punk/hardcore/metal shows there, and the club owners are pretty cool. Unfortunately, sometimes I don't hear about shows that come there until after the fact- like a couple years ago I missed Sanctum on their only US visit. But that was possibly because my head was in a vat of beer that month.